For Institutions

To learn more about the EMIF program's history and structure, please refer to About EMIF.

Any U.S. endowment or foundation is welcome to inquire about joining EMIF if they are willing to meet the participation requirements below.

Any host institution must:

Any host institution may:

How does recruiting work?

Host institutions have two recruiting options: pooled recruiting or self-recruiting. Most non-academic host institutions opt into pooled recruiting. Most academic host institutions choose to self-recruit directly from their undergraduate student population. 

Pooled recruiting occurs in the fall and is run in collaboration with institutions who opt into pooled recruiting. Institutions who opt in to pooled recruiting must indicate their commitment to participate and the number of fellows they will hire from the pool by no later than October 1. EMIF seeks to attract a diverse set of candidates to the program. To that end, EMIF sources candidates for the pooled recruiting class from over 20 private and public universities, including HBCUs, and through our partnership with SEO.

Self-recruiting institutions must indicate their intention to participate in EMIF by no later than January 15. At that time, we also ask self-recruiting institutions to provide an estimate of the number of fellows they expect to host.

Key Dates and Deadlines for Institutions to Participate in Summer 2024: